Wednesday 27 November 2013

Gallery Kegiatan Penyuluh I Nyoman Budi Satriya, S.Pi

Trainers on strengthening the administrative recording of farmer groups and fishermen (14/11-2013)
Training on Development data, science and technology information areas through the use of OPEN GIS.

Local seminar on monitoring coverage areas of pest fish in NTB Province

 Giving Talkshow at Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) regarding Regional Fish Program that proved succesfully in Mataram,, Live on PRO 3 RRI 'Jaringan Berita Nasional' 88,8 FM, directly across Indonesia.

 Trainer at Post harvest and Agribusiness Training for local fisheries instructor in Mataram City

Technical Guidance on Updating and validating Data of  SIMLUH KP held by Ministry Of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Mataram 6-8 Maret 2013

Trainer on Freshwater aquaculture Training on Command Airfield (Danlanud) Rembiga Mataram

 Leading a meeting on preparation of fisheries programma Cakranegara District

Motivational speaker on Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Anak Kelas III Mataram, Giving and provide encouragement and enthusiasm for the child prisoner to continue their life and pursue their achievement
Trainer on freshwater fish farming Trainer catfish in Mataram
Giving a talk on the conservation of coral reefs in front of student of Faculty of Fisheries, University of 45 Mataram.
Speaker in the National conference (KONAS) VIII, of Coastal Resources Management, Sea and Small Islands
Marine Dive Activity
Planting wave gauges and flow velocity, AWAC (acoustic wave and current profile) in testing the effectiveness of the floating breakwater (High density polyethylene) in damping waves and currents in the waters of Gili Matra North Lombok.

"Fish Stock Assessment in Data Poor Situation Training”  held by Indonesia Marine and Climate Change Support (IMACS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) (30 july - 3 August 2012)

Trainer at Empowerment Group of Farmers in Cakranegara District Mataram City.

"Policy Analysis Using Dynamic System Models Course", Held by Development Studies Foundation (DSF) ITB Bandung (2009)

Manufacture of catfish ponds made ​​from tarpaulin material, as one of the innovation for Fisheries Instructor I Nyoman Budi Satriya, S.Pi

Mangrove Conservation Activity


sciNu Barbershop said...

Luar biasa Bapak Pejabat Perikanan Kota Mataram ini, saya sungguh merasa kagum dan bangga rekan semasa SMA kini telah meraih sukses dan menjadi pembicara yang dikenal banyak orang.

Salam, brothers..

Old Friends

I Nyoman Budi Satriya S.Pi, M.T, MappSc(ME) said...

terimkasih my brother adrian subastian, aroo berlebihan ente, wkwkk...salam sukses bro...