Friday 7 September 2012

IMACS Campaign "Habitatku Sehat Ikanku Sehat"

Topat Eid celebrations in the area attractions of Senggigi, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, which is scheduled to take place on Sunday (08/26/2012), will be crowded with beach clean activities, such as collecting trash at that location. "In addition there are rituals Topat Lebaran, we use this moment to educational activities, on the coastal environment conservation, sustainable fisheries, and adaptation to climate change," said Rahmi Sofiarini, Regional Project Director IMACS (Indonesia Marine and Climate Support), Saturday (25 / 8/2012) in Mataram.

In an event held each year after the Eid week, IMACS schedule some form of activities such as drama performances, games, quizzes, including cleaning the beach area of dirt. In this session, residents were given a plastic bag, and then were asked to collect the garbage, and then supplied gifts.

The purpose of these activities Rahmi said that the community is not just gather to celebrate Idul Fitri tradition Topat, but also get knowledge, participate preserve Coastal and Marine Environment.

Read More... IMACS Campaign "Habitatku Sehat Ikanku Sehat"