Friday 11 November 2016

Penumbuhan Kelompok Beriuk Maju Kecamatan Sandubaya Kota Mataram

Hari Jumat tertanggal 11 November 2016 merupakan hari yang bersejarah pada kelompok pembudidaya ikan air tawar Beriuk Maju lingkungan Butun Indah Kecamatan Sandubaya Kota Mataram, ini disebabkan karena pada hari ini Kelompok pembudidaya ikan (Pokdakan) Geluk Mandiri secara resmi dikukuhkan ditandai oleh penyerahan secara simbolis buku-buku kelompok sebanyak 15 buku, plank / papan nama kelompok, stempel kelompok, piagam pengukuhan dan Sertifikat Kelompok. Selanjutnya, setelah acara pengukuhan kelompok ini, Pokdakan Beriuk Maju telah tercatat resmi tercatat sebagai salah satu kelompok binaan Bapeluh Kota Mataram dengan kategori kelas kelompok Pemula. Turut hadir dalam kesempatan ini adalah penyuluh perikanan dari Bapeluh Kota Mataram, Ibu Koordinator beserta jajaran penyuluh Pertanian dari BPP Kecamatan Sandubaya, dan Penyuluh Perikanan Bantu (PPB) dari Dinas Pertanian Kota Mataram.

Sebagai informasi, kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan (Pokdakan) Beriuk Maju terdiri dari 13 anggota, dimana masing-masing anggota telah memiliki kolam masing-masing dengan luas bervariasi dari 5x5 m2 hingga 10x10 m2. Ikan yang dibudidayakan umumnya dari jenis ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dan Gurame (Osphronemus goramy).

Adapun nama-nama anggota Pokdakan Beriuk Maju Sandubaya adalah sebagai berikut:

Ketua: H. Abdul Kahar
Sekretaris: Aminullah
Bendahara: Raisah
Anggota : 
  1. Akmal
  2. A. Iyah
  3. Made Fauzi
  4. H. Munawir
  5. Jumarsah
  6. A. Tilem
  7. Gusti Lanang

Foto bersama anggota Pokdakan Beriuk Maju dan Penyuluh

Tampak Koordinator PPL Kota Mataram Ir. Made Mariada memberikan sambutan kepada anggota kelompok 

Suasana pengukuhan kelompok

Suasana keakraban yang terjalin antar penyuluh dan anggota turut menyemarakkan suasana

Pemberian Piagam Pengukuhan kelompok oleh ibu Koordinator Kecamatan Sandubaya H. Baiq Maryam, SP ditemani oleh PPL Kecamatan Sandubaya Kota Mataram, Wiwik Susanti, S.Pi, Kepada Ketua Kelompok H. Abdul Kahar sekaligus mengukuhkan secara simbolis pembentukan kelompok Beriuk Maju.
Read More... Penumbuhan Kelompok Beriuk Maju Kecamatan Sandubaya Kota Mataram

Sunday 6 November 2016

Randayan Island Marine Reserves Indonesia

Written by I Nyoman Budi Satriya


Local community’s empowerment in the management of Coral reef ecosystems taken into account through developing environmental-friendly fishing activity and inspiring local community’s over education and outreach.

Randayan Island has a pristine marine ecosystem and also potential to be developed as a marine ecotourism. Located on the west coast of Borneo Island Indonesia, it has a natural nesting area for turtle that lasts throughout the year while the dominant species come from hawksbill turtle and green turtles.
Randayan Island

Due to its potential, Randayan Island was declared as a conservation area by The Government of Republic Indonesia on 16 December 2004.  Furthermore, its coral reef ecosystem has become one of the key resources for coastal tourism, but has been widely exploited by tourists and local visitor. Hence, in some circumstances, it may contribute to the future coral reef and ecosystem destruction. Referring to this, coral reef monitoring survey was conducted in order to analyzing the threats, particularly following the introduction of marine reserves within this area in 2004. Moreover, the monitoring activities carried out by direct surveys using line intercept transect method for monitoring the condition of coral reefs and also questionnaire survey to monitor social factors that may have a negative impact on the condition of coral reefs. 

As a result, in the area of no-take zone as fishing activities were prohibited, showing unstable condition with percent coral cover remaining approximately at 50.33%. The reason for this mainly happened due to the destructive catching method, natural predators such as Achantaster plancii and Diademas sp., sedimentation, ship anchor and public transport, coastal community poverty and also low enforcement.

"Local community’s empowerment in the management of Coral reef ecosystems taken into account through developing environmental-friendly fishing activity and inspiring local community’s over education and outreach".

The Randayan Island Marive Reserves

The Randayan Island Marine Reserves classified in category VI of the IUCN category. It covers an area of 15,300 hectares and divided into three zones: The core zone is a restricted area only for conservation and research activity, The buffer zone, while only low level human activities in regard to ecosystem sustainability are allowed such as fishing and snorkeling, Community development and use mix zone is a zone outside the reservation boundaries, in which limited management activity and functionality are allowed. 

Special Features

    The reserve’s coral reef area comprises of several genus such as Porites sp, Sinularia sp, Acropora sp, Millepora sp, Isis sp., Seriatopora sp, Pocillopora sp., Echinopora sp., Euphyllia sp., and Pachyseris sp. Groups of reef fish that play an important role in the food chain including the type of Amphibrion ocellaris and A. Frenatus, Malacanthus latovittatus, and Forcipige flavissimus and predatory fish like Chaetodon lunula and Chaetodon trifascialis.
Coral Reef condition in Randayan Island
·   Various rare species that are protected species such as Tridacna gigas, Tridacna scuamosa, Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys  imbricata, and Gorgonian sp. Several types of seaweed are also found as Eucheuma sp., and Caulerpa sp. The other type is Sargassum spMarine life found among others Holothuria sp., Tridacna sp., Panulirus spp., and starfish. Sea turtles that can be found are the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). 

Estimates in this monitoring are that 25.1% coral reef in Randayan Island Marine reserves were seriously damaged (dead coral) while 74.9% were still in good condition, estimated to be around 1,500 ha with a relatively high diversity.

The total funding for this project is $150,000, where $90,000 will be distributed by government and World Bank for 3 years. Therefore, the monitoring project still needs to raise about $60,000 to get completion. 

1. Strategic action for coral reef conservation and management planning
2. Rising local public awareness due to the coral reef problems.

Read More... Randayan Island Marine Reserves Indonesia

Saturday 5 November 2016

The Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area

By: I Nyoman Budi Satriya


The Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (NPMPA) classified in category VI of the IUCN category, it was established on 2010 and aims for sustainable fishing and the protection of marine biodiversity. The area of Nusa Penida Islands is located in the global coral reef triangle, which has been prioritized as the most conservation area in the world. It comprises of three islands : Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan, including seven zones, namely the core zone, sustainable fishing zone, the zone for a particular purpose, marine ecotourism zone, seaweed farming zone, sacred zone and the seaports zone.

Nusa Penida Location

Each zone has a different function and usability, but in general all aimed at protecting the environment in these waters. In an area of ​​120 hectares that became the core zone, fishing and tourism activities are prohibited since the area is only specifically used for education and research purposes. Meanwhile, in the marine ecotourism zone that covering an area of ​​1,221 hectares is only used for tourist activity, yet fishing is prohibited in this area. 

The largest zone is the area of ​​sustainable fishing (17,264 hectares), local fishermen are welcome to take the fish in this zone, by using environmentally friendly fishing methods which do not damage the marine ecosystem. The fishermen are also allowed to take fish in the special use zone, but only at 4pm until 9am. In addition to fishing activity, local residents are also doing seaweed farming in the agricultural zone covering an area of ​​464 hectares of sea grass. The sacred zone (​​46,71 hectares) is the area around the temple on the coast. The using of speed boat is prohibited in this zone, but tourists can still go diving and snorkeling in the special area marked with buoys. Lastly, is an area of seaport zone, which ships transport are operated near the Padangbai Port Bali.

Cooperative Management

Stakeholders include seaweed farmers, fisherman, local traditional groups, and tourism sector (i.e dive operator) have conducted several meetings in order to achieve mutual understanding due to the formation of the MPA. The local district government along with the stakeholders has reached mutual understanding due to the operation of the MPA. The agreement covers many points related to the operation of MPA in Nusa Penida Island. The division of several zones is the result of cooperation between the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesian Government, Klungkung regency government, Coral Triangle Center (CTC), USAID, the Coral Triangle Support Partnership, and local indigenous people in Nusa Penida district.

Economic and Ecosystem Values

Nusa Penida district which has three main islands of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan are all surrounded by fringing reefs with an area of 1600 hectares and consists of 296 species of coral.

Mangrove forest area is approximately 230 hectares located in Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. There are 13 species of mangrove and 7 plant associations. The mangrove forests serve as a source of fisheries resources, ecotourism, natural beach protection and carbon dioxide absorbent. Seagrass beds in Nusa Penida have an area of about 108 hectares,  seagrass is generally found in Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan.

There are 567 types of coral fish, pelagic and bottom fish. Marine mammals such as whales and dolphins also sometimes cross the waters of Nusa Penida. In the waters of Nusa Penida, there are two types of turtle : green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). Some beaches in Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan alleged turtle nesting sites.

Important facts
Mola-mola (sunfish) habitats in Nusa Penida Coastal Water
Mola-mola (sunfish)

  • NPMPA covers an area of 20,057 hectares, and attracted 200,000 tourist visits annualy.
  • Deep sea fish such as Mola-Mola (sunfish) appeared in the waters of Nusa Penida around the month of July to September each year
  • Manta rays are often found in groups and can be found throughout the year
  • There are 20 dive points and several nautical sports such as surfing, snorkeling, sailing, fishing, sailing and kayaking in marine ecotourism zone.
Read More... The Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area