Wednesday 17 July 2013

Global Warming Threatens Indonesia Archipelago's

Climate change is a chemical composition from the atmosfer who experienced a change in line with the addition of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, methan and nitrous oxide,
where the ability to filtering out the heat from the gas is not functioning. The gas additions have increased the ability to capture heat in the earth's atmosphere.

Based on the research, climate change has resulted in an increase in its global gas emission rate, increase in temperature and also the increase in sea level, it's all an indication that climate change more rapidly toward a global society. climate change has come slowly in the long term period, between 50-100 years.
though slowly, the impact is affect the earth's surface become heater. 

The following is data from the IPCC (Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) which describes the condition of the climate change that occurred at this time that there has been an average temperature rise of 0.76 degree between the period 1850 to 2005. 11 of the last 12 years (1995-2006), were years with an average temperature of the warmest since temperatures were first measured in 1850. Global sea level rise by an average of 1.8 mm per year between 1961 to 2003 period. And has a more intense drought in the wider region since the 1970s, especially in the tropics and sub​​-tropics, because of rising world temperatures could melt ice in the polar regions.

According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), in the last 100 years there has been an increase in sea level of 10-25 cm. Meanwhile, according to the Greenpeace report, approximately in 2100 the sea water will be increased as high as 19-95 cm. Increase in sea level of 1 meter would result in the loss of the island or the mainland in the world as an example of the loss of 1 percent of the land of Egypt, 6 percent of Netherlands, 17.5 percent of Bangladesh land and 80 percent of atolls in the Marshall Islands and the threatens sinking island in Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu , Japan, the Philippines, and Indonesia. This means that tens of millions of people living in coastal areas will be evacuate to the higher ground.According to the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (2009), coastal areas and small islands will sink a 100 years from now covers an area of ​​475 905 hectares, an average loss of land or island amounted to 4.76 hectares per year.Climate change will bring disaster for Indonesia's 41 million people live in coastal areas with a height of below 10 meters. Sinking fish and shrimp ponds in Karawang and Subang West Java has resulted in a loss of half a million U.S. dollars. Sea level rise has sunk 26 thousand fish ponds in the watershed (DAS) Citarum. Rising sea temperatures have damaged coral reefs and islands in the West Bali Pari on El-Nino event in 1997-1998.Climate change has yet to be resolved properly assessed can threaten the existence of the islands in Indonesia. Currently, the number of islands has been much reduced from 17,504 to 17,480 island. This means that, already 24 islands disappear from the earth's surface and if not anticipated, it is possible, in 2030, Indonesia will lose about 2,000 islands again.Sea organism which very vulnerable to climate change are animals that make up coral reef ecosystems. Coral reefs is a marine ecosystem that has a big role for marine organisms living. Global climate change will also have a direct impact on the existence of this ecosystem. Island states must come up with a strategy of adaptation to global climate change. Climate change is spurring global warming has a very harmful to the survival of marine life.There have been many cases of coral bleaching. This is the case all over the world including Indonesia, especially Indonesia is the center of diversity of coral species. Coral bleaching is triggered by rising sea temperatures, so that zooxantella organisms that live in symbiosis with the coral animal tissue out so coral death. In addition, the high content of carbon dioxide in the air will trigger change of degree of acidity (pH) of seawater, thereby disrupting the metabolism of the coral animals that impaired growth.Widespread coral damage due to an increase in sea water temperature will have implications to the lives of other living organisms interact with coral reefs, including fish that are mostly economical for humans.

Some things need to be done by all stakeholders in order to adaptation to global climate change include lobbying international agreements related to the emissions generated by industrial activities, there must be an agreement to work together to reduce the level of gas emissions. Besides, local government policies should also focus on the adaptation process, for example by establishing Marine Protected Area (MPA) and the Coastal Zone Management as well as partnership and cooperation between the central government and the regions and even between regions.

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